Monday, July 21, 2008

PLEON-MARBLEHEAD Junior Race Week - last Day #3 WEDNESDAY July 23, 2008

Howdy from Bob Duff - July 23, 2008 - 2250 hours,

These photos by Andrea Dunn (EPYC) tell a nice story about yacht racing. Andrea worked with us on the EYC signal boat for Junior Race Week-2008.

Eighty-six 420s and fifty LASERS kept us busy at area "A". These, along with 118 OPTIMIST prams are shown scattered on beaches at Eastern Yacht Club and other harbor spots. At an appointed time, a cannon signaled the harbor start each morning.

I had another of Andrea's photos of the 66 Champion 420s crowding the start line. A beautiful sight! I planned to use it right here but the blog system sent it off to cyberspace. I will save it and some other good ones from Andrea and Lou Guirino (CPYC) for future use.

This shot singles out 420 #4647 sailed by Andrea's son Jared and crew Braely Jelmberg. They are cruising around getting ready for a start. We saw and heard a few crashing collisions. Timer Brad Marvin is appalled by the disregard of racing rules by a lot of these youngsters.

In a few of the Championship 420 races we reverted to the BLACK FLAG needed to get a fair start. BLACK FLAG rules let the RC identify any boat over On the Course Side (OCS) triangle during the last 60 seconds before a start. They are notified to retire with a penalty score of last place +1 until the next race.

With Mom watching and snapping photos, Jared Dunn and Braely Jelmberg were seen OCS and were disqualified. With big grins they yelled "WE PROTEST THE RACE COMMITTEE". They did just that in writing! A hearing with witnesses supported the disqualification. Their 10th place overall would have been better without the OCS, but as someone once said, "there is no second place in a yacht race". Jared's father, John Peter Dunn sent me Andrea's photos with the following quote:

"I heard about Jared protesting the RC... that's funny: the kind of mistake you make once in life... it's great to be young. "

At this point my old DELL froze! I can guess that lightening zapped it during the thunder storm. I am back now to re-publish while another storm is crashing around. Anyway, the computer is up!
For complete OFFICIAL scores from Junior Race Week click:
Regatta first place winners are as follows:
LASER-FULL----101194--EVAN SIEPERT---------------------------PYC(Maine?)
LASER-RADIAL-186544--CALLIE NAUGHTON---------------------PLEON-YC
LASER-4.7-------8--------HANNAH LYNN--------------------------PLEON-YC
OPTI-CHAMP-RED-----14141---JACK MCGUIRE-------------------CAMDEN YC
If I read it correctly, Jack McGuire won the overall OPTI championship in addition to his victory in RED!
Our race committee gang Wednesday was the same as Tuesday except Andrea went back to her nursing job and we were joined by Garret McKinnon (an OPTI sailor come to watch the "big boys & girls), Lou Guirino's wife Ann Mulvaney and their young friend from Puerto Rico, Jose Luis LaSante.
I will be back here again Thursday night after the first day of Senior Race Week/NOOD Regatta!

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