Sunday, August 24, 2008

PHRF NEW ENGLAND CHAMPIONSHIPS - Day #2 of 3 - August 23, 2008 - Fourth, Fifth & Sixth Races for 38 Yachts on Line # 1

Howdy from Bob Duff August 23, 2008,

Another near perfect day of PHRF racing for Line #1.  Three full races for four classes makes for twelve additional starts and timer Brad Marvin still has enough voice left to yell down four more on Sunday to wrap it up.  Remarkable!  That will be twenty-eight five minute start cycles in three days if all goes well.  We have had remarkably few OCS starts requiring individual recalls AND NO GENERAL RECALLS AND NO "BLACK FLAGS".  Again, remarkable!

I apologize for the lack of PHRF yacht details so far.  My delicate new relationship with this APPLE MacBook Pro is evolving slowly.  Maybe tomorrow will see more comfort and better reporting of the final results.  I must locate the source of yacht detail reports which elude me right now.  That is my objective for this report Sunday night.

PRO Susie Schneider again had Jennifer Tegfeldt with Bard Marvin and Ross Peterson  and me on the ETO signal boat.  Cheryl Burne was back on the mark boat with Susie's son Andrew working like the All American Sailer that he is.  Andrew called our attention to the fact that our blue "RC" flag was hoisted upside down.  My bad joke that it means "everybody must capsize" met again with the usual stoic looks from some of our crew.  "Questie" Gring ran the pin boat with new friend Jay Perry.

Gaele McCully motored out all alone to visit with us on her new motorboat.  Husband Jim raced with Seamus Hourihan on RUFFIAN #51373.  Notably, David Hoyt sneaked past the finishing gang in first place on  #184 GOAT in race #5 WITHOUT GETTING THE WINNER'S CANNON.  We heard Judd Smith's informative call from AFRICA that "The Melges" (#184) had not gotten her well deserved first place cannon.  Susie Schneider talked about giving her "two guns" when she won the next race.  That gratuity was omitted after recognizing the confusion surrounding a "two guns" yachting signal. 

Wind rolled around from 225 degrees magnetic at 1000 hours to 155 degrees at 1500 hours going further counterclockwise to 142 degrees as we wrapped up the day.   Velocity grew from some 6.5 knots to around 12 per my notes.  All in all a glorious time!

No current photos available again today despite the quiet clicking away of my censor.  See you Sunday night!