Howdy from Bob Duff(EYC-RC) 6/29/08,- - - - - - - -
Jim Ayer(EYC-RC) did not do this wonderful image of birds, but it would still make a good custom wooden jigsaw puzzle. I admired it and could not resist labeling the birds as timer Brad Marvin(EYC-RC) on the left being fed the bug by an unnamed mother/leader. The little bird way out on a limb alone on the right is me, Bob Duff(EYC-RC). I imagined that after eating the bug, Brad said to Bob, "what makes you think our mother/leader does not like you?".
I would invite my friend Dick LeBel(EYC-Ph.D.) to comment, but my HMO does not cover psychotherapy treatment "out of network".
A friend advises that I note CAVEAT LECTOR on my BLOGs. Another suggests CAVEAT WRITER. Nevertheless, the BLOG name derives from"weB LOG" which this is. BLOG is defined as any bit of media wherein the subject expresses his opinion or simply talks about something. That's my BLOG.
The BRIMBLES, MIDWAY and TINKERS line races were abandoned on shore today about 1400 hours with code flags "N" over "H"and three guns at the three yacht clubs. Answering pennant "AP" postponement flew earlier this morning with two guns about 1100 hours. Light winds and poor visibility appeared to be the problem. I am not certain what, if any scores will be posted by Jim Whipple(CYC) and Anne Coulombre(BYC) to the MRA web site. Saturday's scores will be there soon. Nothing has been posted for Saturday as of 1700 hours Sunday. If it is not already in your "favorites", click later at:
Safety concerns on the water grew recently after two CYC race committee members on a mark boat capsized and went into the cold water. They caught a racing mark anchor line on the prop of an inboard. Without a knife, they left the engine running and worked together at the stern to get free. The boat turned stern to wind which is normal like a reverse mooring. Waves flooded the low transom, started filling the boat as the stern went down from the weight and anchor line pull. The boat reared up and capsized. Both men wore flotation jackets, but one failed to inflate. Luckily, a rubber ducky nearby accomplished the save. Advice! - wear good flotation - cut the engine - cut the fouling line!
Some of this reporting comes from pleasant conversations while waiting to either race or go home. Fritz Koopman (EYC-RC), Mike Piper(EYC-RC), Peter Frisch(EYC-RC), Brad and I enjoyed ourselves. Susie poped in and out as she shouldered the burden of leadership. A big bunch of IOD sailors congregated on the EYC porch.
Race committee people are encouraged to consider buying personal flotation devices to wear on the water in a mark/pin boat. This is not yet "an order" at EYC, but CYC may have a mandate. Each EYC boat has jackets to wear but they are rather bulky for working in comfort. WEST Marine, US SAILING, Marblehead Marine Outfitters, Jamestown Distributors. Fred Woods, Lynn Marine Supply among other places stock good equipment including the "vests" that young racers (and Bill Widnall-EYC) wear full time. Search these and other names on your Internet Explorer and review the options.
Jim McCully(EYC-RC) likes his "fanny pack" device which hangs out of the way in back near his belt. His includes a hand held flare and strobe light. Critics say you will drown face down with these when clobbered into the water unable to pull the trigger.
I wear my "SOSPENDERS" most of the time on ETO and Brad has inflatable vest-like gear that looks similar to big suspenders. These are fairly comfortable but a drawback is the trigger. You must pull it if clobbered overboard. My device is ten years old and has never been inflated. Friday, WEST Marine said that I do not need a replacement cartridge ($26). Please testify for my estate against WEST Marine if I drown next Friday during the ANNUAL REGATTA.
Automatic jackets are available. I wore one offshore during hurricane Hugo in '89. I was dunked deep while riding the bowsprit of the 114 foot schooner ASHANTI of SABA. We had an "ALL HANDS ON DECK" call at 2am when the jib shattered into rags. I was removing jib remnants when ASHANTI plunged me down under water. The life jacket exploded open slapping my head and knocking off the glasses from a string round my neck. Stupid, but I have not enjoyed the thought of an automatic jacket ever since.
Finally, Jim McCully installed a big sharp fish knife on the stern of each of our small boats today. Familiarize yourself with them before you wrap a prop. Best yet, carry your own sharp knife! Jim's were $10 each at WEST Marine.
Yesterday I gave you some hyperlinks to click for accessing interesting web sites. This evening, I have some more. Check wooden jigsaw puzzle things by clicking Jim Ayer's site:
It is fun playing with both hyperlinks and puzzles. Sometimes my hyperlinks work on my computer: sometimes they do not. I hope they work for you. Please advise.
Next, please consider forwarding this e-mail to friends who might like to look at DUFF STUFF. If you and/or they put this site into "favorites", it can be checked at leisure for the latest stuff in DUFF STUFF. I will send out e-mail notifications initially, but beyond that you are on your own. Future "articles" will appear in this same blog "newspaper"and same blog "address". That concept and several other good ideas came to me from Arthur Saulsberry(EYC-RC). Thanks very much Arthur!
There is a "comments" thing with a little pencil icon down near the bottom of these pages. I have tested it and replied to myself with compliments, but I do not yet know how "the little pencil" manifests itself with other people. Play around and keep me busy! I would enjoy being submerged with insults, complaints and compliments. After all, I am from the Eastern Yacht Club!
On Friday, Brad and I had a most pleasant lunch with Carol and Tom Brennan(EYC-RC) in the Henderson Dining Room. I had been meaning to thank Carol for the photo she took of me which appears up there under "About Me". She took it and sent it via "snail mail" a year or two or three............ago. Unlike other images, it is not available for any wooden jigsaw puzzles! That day we were on ETO in full service dress as was the custom when Tom was PRO and Chairman of the Race Committee. Conversation drifted happily along until the mention of a mutual friend, Steve "Fish Bait" Wolfe(NYYC). I had to report that Steve blasted me for using what he called Carol's "ancient photo".
Accustomed to such insults from Steve, I planned exposing his much greater sin with the professional photo on his personal web site:
Accustomed to such insults from Steve, I planned exposing his much greater sin with the professional photo on his personal web site:
Click there and see if you agree with me that Steve's picture is probably from 1980/85 or at best the nighties. It is dangerous these days messing with "Fish Bait" since he is held in such high esteem at EYC.
Everything happened "a long time ago" after Steve became "Fish Bait" and way after he posed for that photo. It was an Eastern Yacht Club Cruise down south when a "micro wind burst" capsized a multi-hull EYC boat at anchor in Block Island harbor. Two adults had been aboard with something like a four year old child and a six month old infant. I could go on at length as Steve did lunching as guest of the POOPS group Wednesday on the Samoset Porch. To shorten it up, Steve rescued the family via his Bristol 45.5 yacht MARS and her dinghy. Steve and MARS are now permanently honored guests at EYC with regular accolades from former commodore William "TWIG" Burke, III(EYC). The EYC manager, Jeff Wargo, stopped by our table and greeted "Fish Bait" ( he called him Mr. Wolfe) with genuine warmth and admiration. He totally ignored the three of us who are members of EYC.
Next Friday July 4th is the Eastern Yacht Club Annual Regatta. The race committee call is 900 hours for working with PRO John Koopman(EYC-RC). Brad times it and I do flags. Susie O. Schneider(EYC-RC-Chair.) is coming with Jennifer Tegfeldt(EYC-RC) scheduled on ETO. Rona and Dana Woodward(EYC-RC) are scheduled for mark/pin boats with Jim and Gaele McCully. There was mention of the possibility of their arranging an "all girl crew" which is rare. I was on the ETO one year as the "token male". The only thing they let me do was to order me below to retrieve their lunches. Humpf! Humpf!
Next Friday July 4th is the Eastern Yacht Club Annual Regatta. The race committee call is 900 hours for working with PRO John Koopman(EYC-RC). Brad times it and I do flags. Susie O. Schneider(EYC-RC-Chair.) is coming with Jennifer Tegfeldt(EYC-RC) scheduled on ETO. Rona and Dana Woodward(EYC-RC) are scheduled for mark/pin boats with Jim and Gaele McCully. There was mention of the possibility of their arranging an "all girl crew" which is rare. I was on the ETO one year as the "token male". The only thing they let me do was to order me below to retrieve their lunches. Humpf! Humpf!
The following pastes from NOR/SI found on http://www.easternyc.org/ define the racing.
Schedule of Races: One race is scheduled for each Class
Class Flags: Flag A = PHRF A; Flag B = PHRF B; J/105 Class Flag; Flag C = PHRF C;
Flag D = PHRF D; Flag E = PHRF E; Flag F = PHRF Cruising F;
Flag G = PHRF Cruising G. Depending on the number of entries,
some Classes may be started together.
Racing Area: In the vicinity of Tinker’s Rock Gong, Mark D.
The Start: The first Warning Signal will be made at 1100
Time Limit: Five hours after each start.
I think that race results will be posted on http://www.mheadrace.org/ and/or possibly on http://www.easternyc.org/ sometime following the races. The collaboration or lack there of between these two sites is not yet clear to me. I will let you know if that gets straight in my head.
On Saturday July 5th the next day following the Annual Regatta, EYC will run the MIDWAY line for Etchells and IODs. Crew call is 10:30 with warning gun at 12:30. Brad and I are back with Bob Vessot(EYC-RC) wanting to do flags. I might arm wrestle Brad for the timer job as my confidence grows. However, I will probably yield to his greater age and experience. I will just resign myself to checking-in, recording and calling finishes unless someone else is there wanting to do those things.
I will greet you again Friday and Saturday evenings.