Going back in time on the right is me piping to the Scottish Storm Gods for a little breeze on "PLEON DAY" in the '70s. Wednesday was set aside then during Race Week to turn boats over to PLEON kids with limited adult intervention. Dave Smith loaned young son Jud his IOD #45 DRUMMER BOY ( before then and now named POMPANO) to race against all comers. Jud brought a Fernberg and a Cambell crew and was stuck with me representing the "older folks". I wish I remembered the crew's full names!
Jud's father Dave raced Thornton Clark's #16 TANGO that day. J.J. "Donnie" McNamara raced his own IOD with a fairly young lady friend who was our PRO today, Susie Oliver now Schneider. Both of those "ole" guys had won Olympic Sailing Medals in prior years. Other kids with "borrowed" IODs included the sons of both Bruce and Ted Hood if I remember details correctly.
The bagpipes did the trick with the wind and we had a successful race. Jud's only concern at all was "where are those two ole guys?" The Pleon kids did everything with hardly a spoken word. I recall that they let me set the foredeck. The "ole guys" stayed way back there and we won by a wide margin over everyone.
I taught the kids a few tricks that day. Ask me about it! Most of you recognize what my coaching has done for Jud! It could work for you too! BTW, this picture was in The Boston Globe.
Next we have my timer's sheet from

the first two races today of the 2008 NOOD Senior Race Week for each of three fleets. All were course "C" double sausages. Wind was 145 degrees at 7.5 knots shifting to 130 degree for the second set of races. Distance to the weather mark was 1.2 nautical miles shifting to 130 degree as the breeze diminished. Second races were shortened for finishes at the first leeward mark which is a single sausage.
Seventeen J/105s raced with Peter Morgan getting two firsts in #620 STEELAWAY III. Jon Wales took second and third in #189 BANTRY. Kevin Colcord got a ninth and a second in CIRCE'S CUP #51306.
Thirteen ETCHELLS raced with a first and a seventh to Ethan Doyle with father Robbie on board #1085 COUGAR. Wade Edwards & Justin Mueller took two seconds on RIVA #1221. A 3rd and a 9th were scored by Don Miller and Bill Douglas in VALKYRIE #63. STEAMBOAT WILLIE #26 showed an 8th and a 3rd for Hugh Greville.
Thirteen IODs brought on some surprises as Sheila and Bill Widnall took a first and a 12th on #130 JAVELIN. Bruce Dyson/Norm Cressy led the series with a 2nd and a first by #7 GYPSY. Two thirds were scored by Timothy Dittrich/"Oakie" in #51 SAGACIOUS. POMPANO #45 for Bob Lyons and Fred Callori scored a 6th and an 11th as compared to the win by Jud Smith documented with my pipes back in the '70s.
Tomorrow and Sunday these three classes with be joined by an expected 12 STARS. Race committee with PRO Susie Schneider expects Ashley Boyle, Cheryl Byrne, David Hooks, Mike Piper, Jennifer Tegfeldt, Brad Marvin timing and me on flags
If you are like me, you stopped wasting time on easternyc.org web site a long time ago. I have encouragement for you and a suggestion for "painless" access. If you use the following link you will bypass all the "passwords", "Ashore", "Afloat", "Planning Committee", "tennis" and "swimming" clutter and get right down to the essence of a YACHT CLUB information system.
Before proceeding, when you see the clean white spreadsheet, remember to click those two little stars at upper left and add this route to your "FAVORITES". For a glimpse of that readable/printable Assignment Schedule for 2008 (not 2005 as it said last week) click:
I think you will like it now.
See you again tomorrow night!
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