If you have followed earlier DUFFSTUFF, you may recall my problems with this software, particularly about inserting and placing photographs within text. In my regular APPLE schooling I am learning "IWEB" for "real" web sites similar to what the "big boys" do.
I attempted this week to bring together that IWEB software and the stuff I have used to date in BLOGSPOT. I began with one yacht photo followed by three nice pictures of Marblehead's Old North Church Steeple taken by Ulrike Welsch.
Click this hyperlink for information about Uli's book:
The IWEB software marriage did not work! To recover, I have loaded the three steeple pictures by Uli in the old "unfriendly" way. I then included my own steeple shot plus the yacht photo. It sequenced last when I wanted it first. I just cannot go back tonight to figure a revised approach.
Above is the tower in the dead of Winter. Next left below is Fall with the beautiful golden leaves. Next is a Summer shot of the steeple from Gerry Island in Little Harbor. It shows a bit of Ted Hood's former boat yard. The expensive homes in the background sit on land where Ted built fancy racing yachts. He allowed us "charity cases" to store our racing yachts there in the winter. He named us that because we do-it-yourself boaters generated very little revenue for the yard.
I took the last tower shot for early Autumn from an attic window about four stories above our back yard. Clearly, we live adjacent to gardens in the back area of the church and steeple. If you look closely at that photo, you will see the steeplejack preparing everything for the frigid blasts of winter coming soon. Click on the picture for an enlarged view.
My son Stephen Duff trained in college as a Landscape Architect, but he loves to climb things like big trees, towers and steeples. He worked happily for a time as a steeplejack climbing many old steeples all around New England. He says that this man painting on Old North would be insulted if I called him a "painter" even though that is what he does while repelling himself on the steeple. Per Steve, that would be like calling a "rag shaker" (sailor) a "stink potter" (motor boater). It is just not done
The steeple built in 1824/5 by members of the Goodwin family, rings its big bell each Sunday morning to summon 'Headers to Congregational Church services. It also tolls loud and long on July 4th and on George Washington's "real" birthday February 22nd. That makes "sleeping-in" a little troublesome for folks here in the area called "down town"! We "foreigners" (not born in Marblehead for several generations) are prone to call it simply "old town".
George Washington spent time in Marblehead in those early days of the U.S. Saint Michael's Episcopal Church nearby claims that George worshiped there in what is now my church built 1714.
One wag suggests that if he worshipped at St. Michael's, it is possible that George Washington slept there during the sermon!
It is time for talk of yachts and the very exciting one-design J105s.
We had seventeen of these beauties racing with us in the July 2008 Marblehead Race Week and NOOD Regatta. Leighton O'Connor got this great NOOD
picture of my very own orthopedic surgeon Dr. Steven Hollis and crew on his J-105 SIROCCO. I hope my DOC will be pleased that Leighton did not show them NUDE in the NOOD! Ugggh!
Knowing that I am on the race committee Signal Boat, Dr. Hollis always cautions me with "SIROCCO IS NOT OVER EARLY AT THE START! " We did not catch him a single time in the few J-105 starts we ran for them.

To see many many more of Leighton's pictures click:
Try copy/paste to your browser if you have the same problem as I have today. Call if you need coaching at 781/631-0033. I'll try! Also let me know about any problems. I can send this or other links to you via e-mail.
The following is a special link just for SIROCCO interests:
Looking closely there, you will see Ward Blogget, Peter Frisch and their crew sneaking into the J-105 limelight by virtue of their matching SIROCCO yacht name. Protest anyone?
Or you can go to the link below and do a search by any boat name....
Consider coming back to DUFFSTUFF again soon. Sometime in the future, I will publish a great IOD spinnaker picture from Leighton. It shows my beloved IOD TANGO #16 with POMPANO #45 and ELECTRA #2. It could settle an old argument about a racing rules which keeps cropping up on the ETO. Brad Marvin is my somewhat stubborn adversary. He could abandon his position based upon evidence in that photograph.
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